Hardware hacking

I recently rekindled an interest I have in fooling around with hardware. I bought myself a USB I/O device from Elexol, a local electronics supplier, and with a lot of junk from Dick Smith Electronics I've managed to control some LEDs from my Linux box - an awesome feat I'm sure you'll agree - all without doing any soldering. This makes my wife happy (did I mention I got married?), who is somewhat afraid the soldering iron will burn down the house one day. It also means I can pull apart old projects to make new ones without making a big mess or having to buy new components.

Went to Jaycar Electronics and bought a 10-pin connector and some ribbon cable. Here's a shot of my board looking a bit neater. While there I also bought some push button switches which I'm sure will come in handy.


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  3. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Hardware Hacking for Software Geeks
    CCC-TV - Camp2007

  4. Anonymous1:32 PM

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  5. Anonymous2:40 PM

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  6. HI,
    Great concept..Really very interesting..Thanks for posting this blog..


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