ISDC Tweets

This year I attended ISDC in Chicago. I suffered with the US food and the jetlag, but overall it was an enjoyable experience. My tweets of the event can be broken up into a few categories, note that the times are not Chicago timezone :)

Airports / Jetlag

@jeff_foust I got put on the standby list for the first time ever yesterday. #unitedairlines 10:02 PM May 27th via web

I actually managed to get about 8 hours sleep tonight.. yah jetlag! #isdc 11:03 PM May 29th via web

@dmasten this trip was my first experience of standby. less painful than I would have thought. 12:06 AM Jun 1st via mobile web

@n3ckf who are these mythical people who dont show up to their flight requiring the airline to overbook? 12:58 AM Jun 1st via mobile web

I am on the last leg of my epic voyage home. seems kinda fitting to watch Ulysses 31 eps all the way. 10:10 AM Jun 3rd via mobile web

Dennys / WiFi

Woohoo.. at Dennys. Bless free wifi. ISDC registration in an hour or so. 9:38 PM May 27th via web

@bencredible @cariann tweet when you are awake, if I get it I'm at Denny's :) 10:40 PM May 29th via web

The NSS are providing free wifi.. wonder why that took 2 days. #isdc 11:37 PM May 29th via web

Denny's menu suggests I add a soup or salad. Today's soup: NEW! Signature Chili. How can anything be both new and signature? 9:37 AM May 31st via mobile web

Sparring with Bob Zubrin of the Mars Society

"Paul [Spudis] is the Bob Zubrin of the Moon." - Edward Wright 10:37 PM May 28th via web

What I'd like to ask Zubrin this morning but wont get the chance. #isdc 10:32 PM May 29th via web - I met Bob Zubrin shortly after this post and started my conversation with him by saying "heh, I just wrote a blog post of all the things I'd like to ask you but figured I wouldn't get a chance."

@cariann I've been arguing with Bob Zubrin for the last hour, was just about to go find you. We're in the middle selling his books. 1:12 AM May 30th via web

hmm.. I think arguing with Zubrin is a drug.. I'm having withdrawls and it's only been an hour. 2:29 AM May 30th via mobile web

here comes an avalanch of bullshit #isdc 6:08 AM May 30th via mobile web

has anyone not heard this speech? #isdc 6:10 AM May 30th via mobile web

someone did put a time limit on Zubrin right? #isdc 6:13 AM May 30th via mobile web

@bzwingzero its not unusual to agree with Zubrin. it's unusual for Zubrin to be so coherent that you can find something to agree or disagree 6:32 AM May 30th via mobile web

Zubrin just accused the Augustine commission of being fixed. this is why he's an asshole. #isdc 6:51 AM May 30th via mobile web

@mmealling i think there's value in de-Zubrin-ing his arguements. what is the coherent program that the FTDP tech fits into? 7:01 AM May 30th via mobile web

@mmealling Zubrin's question is: are you gunna need it? (I get that from the principle of charity mind you) #isdc 7:47 AM May 30th via mobile web

Ya, know, it's incredibly odd to blog about Bob Zubrin and then have him walk into the room to chat about it 9 minutes later. 11:10 PM May 30th via web

i got Bob Zubrin on camera for @Spacevidcast heh :) 6:25 AM May 31st via mobile web

Bob Zubrin left the conference today with an empty suitcase that was full of books he was selling when I first met him 2 days ago. #isdc 9:46 AM May 31st via mobile web

Whatever session I was in

B.J. Bluth says a Soviet era cosmonaut did >430 days in space, and recovered without incident. I wonder how long it took to recover. 9:18 AM May 28th via web

Narayanan Ramachandran of NASA-Marshall told us of his animal levitation experiments for zero-g. Seemed uninterested in in-space uses. 9:24 AM May 28th via web

I guess when it comes to NASA money in the Masten/Armadillo rivalry there’s plenty to go around 10:47 PM May 28th via web

Dennis Wingo described a robotic system for building a lunar settlement from lunar materials before humans arrive. #isdc 3:29 AM May 29th via web

it isnt too non-conservative to imagine 100 people per year flying suborbital by 2015. #isdc 2:36 AM May 30th via mobile web

btw.. I am using my "smart" phone.. which runs windows mobile. painful but better than nothing. 2:54 AM May 30th via mobile web

scott pace seems to believe the nasa budget replaces constellation with comm crew. i think the FTDP is. 6:02 AM May 30th via mobile web

so many people want to talk. doubt i will get a chance. #isdc 6:27 AM May 30th via mobile web

please stop giving this crazy lady the microphone. #isdc 6:42 AM May 30th via mobile web - the crazy woman in question started the conference by asking the FAA representative what he would be doing to ensure the safety of NASA crew.. and asked many other way-out questions.

BJ Beth didn't get the mic cause she wasn't called on. dude it's BJ Beth. nasa royalty. #isdc 6:57 AM May 30th via mobile web

i promise not to ask: have you got a rocket yet? #isdc 7:07 AM May 30th via mobile web

scaled is a fantastic aircraft company.. shame they cant just stick to their strengths and buy the rocket motors from XCOR. #isdc 7:29 AM May 30th via mobile web

similarly it's a shame XCOR didn't stick to their strengths and contract the Lynx from Scaled like they did with EZ-Rocket. #isdc 7:31 AM May 30th via mobile web

@rclague oh sure, but it was Scaled's intent to become a rocket shop from day one too. Time will tell if vertical integration is best plan. 11:12 PM May 30th via web - Randall subsequently told me I was an idiot and he was spot on :)

@rclague touché. 6:53 AM May 31st via mobile web

the competition in suborbital tourism is important but I wish the race to market would heat up. #isdc 7:38 AM May 30th via mobile web

@mmealling talk to Jim Logan about his reboot of the asteroid settlement concept. Bit of O'Neill too but spin the habitat not the asteroid. 8:13 AM May 30th via mobile web

@cariann me? disagree with Dewar? never. but I did dis him on the quality of writing in his second book. #isdc 6:27 AM May 31st via mobile web - I just finished suffering through Dewar's latest book The Nuclear Rocket. It's terrible, don't read it. His previous book, To The End Of The Solar System is in my short list of favourites.

Frontiers of Propulsion Science sounds like a fun book. Editor talking now. #isdc 7:15 AM May 31st via mobile web

quantum-vacuum thruster talk was surprisingly interesting once the scatterbrain speaker got to the meat. #isdc 9:32 AM May 31st via mobile web

"scatterbrain" was referring to William Scott Pace - his word not mine. 12:03 AM Jun 1st via mobile web

now I am wondering why solar sails have yet to be identified for the FTDP. #isdc 12:21 AM Jun 1st via mobile web

Like an inaccessible jewel it will beacon us. #isdc 12:29 AM Jun 1st via mobile web - Marc Millis referring to an Earth-like exo-planet. quick someone tell us how terrible it is. #isdc 12:35 AM Jun 1st via mobile web

Marc Millis wants to hear about peer reviewed articles on hyperspace etc but please no crackpots. #isdc 12:50 AM Jun 1st via mobile web

@chris_radcliff not sure where this is going. :) #isdc 1:05 AM Jun 1st via mobile web

can you make Casimir forces repulsive? can you turn them on and off? Pinto #isdc 1:32 AM Jun 1st via mobile web

wow Pinto waffles.. just tell us what you have achieved already. #isdc 1:38 AM Jun 1st via mobile web

Pinto has 10 minutes left and is rushing to the end but has told us nothing relevant to this conference. interesting but irrelevant. #isdc 1:43 AM Jun 1st via mobile web

Pinto may be talking about work now that is relevant but hasn't been done yet. #isdc 1:49 AM Jun 1st via mobile web

Pinto says repulsive Casimir forces have been demonstrated a number of times but always for pairs. #isdc 1:56 AM Jun 1st via mobile web

Will Scott Pace waffling to Pinto now. Hurts me cause I know what he wants to ask but cant. #isdc 1:58 AM Jun 1st via mobile web

the ineptitude of presenter+laptop at conferences baffles me. complete lack of practice I guess. :) #isdc 2:39 AM Jun 1st via mobile web

"this is the first generation of kids growing up with no starry night sky." due to light pollution. Presenter is almost crying. #isdc 2:44 AM Jun 1st via mobile web

Halfway through the Light Pollution talk the speaker starts using the Light At Night term. #isdc 3:04 AM Jun 1st via mobile web

so far less than 10 people have shown up for the final session of #isdc proof maybe your conf is a bit too long? :) 3:55 AM Jun 1st via mobile web

Select people at #isdc have been shown a video concept of XCOR's orbital vehicle (codename Xerces?) It's wings all the way to orbit and back 11:07 PM Jun 1st via web

Blog posts

More on "Gravity Plating" #isdc 9:44 AM May 28th via web

Zubrin's radiation exposure number's game. 10:59 PM May 30th via web

NASA FTDP, find out what it means to me 11:02 PM May 30th via web

Two new blog posts about #isdc at 11:38 PM May 30th via web


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